PCSF Chiropractic

PCSF Chiropractic


ChiropracticSports Medicine

About Us

At Pottawattamie County Sports & Family (PCSF) Chiropractic, our mission is to serve and educate our community with compassion and understanding while enabling patients to live healthier, active lifestyles. We believe in treating you to relieve your pain and make you more mindful of your body. Through a combination of manual therapies and advice on diet, exercise and positive lifestyle choices, we help your body heal itself and get you on the road toward better health, faster and more efficiently. We specialize in chiropractic manipulation, soft tissue therapy, sports medicine and nutritional counseling. From pregnant mothers to high school athletes, we provide a personalized approach to meet each patient’s unique needs.


Melissa and Nate Wiechmann, owners of PCSF Chiropractic
Nate Weichmann, D.C.

Rep/Contact Info

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Melissa Wiechmann